Welcome to Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church! Under the leadership of Bishop Osco E. Gardin Jr. Time is changing and a new season is arising for the EMBC family. Be a part of the next chapter in our journey of spiritual growth and financial peace. We are living in the over flow, connect with us!
Sunday School at 8:45am & Sunday Worship Service at 10am 503 Maurice St. Monroe, NC 28112. Bible Study held via Conference Call Technology - Wednesdays @7pm - See Calendar
Generosity is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others, daily.
We preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ here at HEMBC and we invite you & your family to come hear a WORD from the Lord, every Sunday... "Connect With Us!"
Our Team
Our Team is made up of ordinary people, of every hue, like those of more than 2000 years ago in the first diaspora. Our Members come together to help all of humankind, we teach No Discrimination... We teach The Bible!
Calendar & Events
Stay Informed,
Stay Connected,
Stay in His Service...
You and your family are Welcome every day that our doors are open! We prepare on the inside to help serve on the outside!
That's Our Job!
We're serious about it too!
We are about "Ministry!" ...Serving Others & Community...
Did you know that we all have to check under our hoods every now and then, Why? Because the problem could be under your hood! We Can Help!

You have to start early....
None of us knows who will be the next person who will touch our lives in ways that showed early preparation and an investment of time in these 66 Books! Did you know that it is our job to replace ourselves by keeping The Faith and Sharing with others who will come and occupy these same seats!

We keep the lights burning so that some lost soul...
The writer here is so grateful for a Pastor, and a Ministry that is secure in who they are that they give everyone a chance to serve and grow!

No Man is an Island...
No Man stands alone here!
Yes, from time to time there are challenges, obstacles, criticisms, and seemingly impossible odds… but you know what, “God has never failed us yet!
Praise The Lord God!”
The HEMBC'S Rotating Billboard of Church Calendar EVENTS & Members

1883 ~ 2024
The Historic Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church has given spiritual guidance and inspiration to the city of Monroe and surrounding areas for 137 years. The recorded history of the church was compiled from a limited amount of records and resources, yet its history has served to enlighten all generations.
Reverend Joseph Ratcliff, in the year 1883, with a small group of Baptist believers, saw the need for a Black Baptist Church in Monroe, North Carolina. The charter membership consisted of eighteen members, whose identities are not available. These members named the church Timmonsville Baptist Church, but it was recorded in the Union County Courthouse as the Colored Baptist Church. The wooden structure, which was erected on a plot of land two hundred feet south of our present structure, was purchased from Elizabeth Monroe for whom the church was named for one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1,300.00). This purchase was orchestrated by Mr. J. C. McVan, Administrator for the estate of C.N. Simpson. The following members, Reverend W. T. Gatewood, Deacon W.M. Nivens, Deacon J.Q. Robinson, Deacon Tom Robinson, Deacon W.C. Jones, Deacon Rueben Perry and others witnessed the purchase of additional land on which our present structure was erected.
The pastors who have served the church are as follows: Reverend Sims, Reverend J.B. Ivey, Reverend Hicks, Reverend Hawkins, Reverend M.A. Murray, Reverend Staton, Reverend McLester, Reverend W.H. Inman, Reverend C.C. Johnson, Reverend Hawkins, Dr. J.H. Ferguson, Reverend David L. Massey, and Reverend Brenda Hopkins served as Interim Pastor; currently Reverend Osco E. Gardin, Jr. serves as Senior Pastor.
Under the leadership of Reverend M. A. Murray the mortgage was paid off on the wooden structure. Reverend W. H. Inman rebuilt our present structure in 1928. This was accomplished by the financial assistance of the membership and dedicated friends.
Church Leadership

Dr. Brenda L. Hopkins
Most Senior Associate
Ministerial Staff

Douglas Curry
Chairman of Deacons

Tony Byrum
Chairman of Trustees

Chashawah Helms
Finance Director

Alyssa Curry
Chairman of Deaconesses

Patricia Hunter
Church Admin / Assistant

Mamie Garvin
Chief Ministry
Special Assistant

Deacon Leroy Ratliff
Sunday School Superintendent