Church News
The President’s Volunteer Service AWARD Luncheon – held November 12, 2022, at Historic Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church
Honoring Bishop Osco E. Gardin, Jr., in the Rosa Bell Event Center… The Program included Marion Holloway, Mayor City of Monroe, then-Union County Commissioners Chairman, Dennis Rape, Union County Sheriff Eddie Cathey, and Mr. Frank Casstevens, Union Baptist Association, all with Greetings!
Welcome was by Elder Dr. Edwin Elam, Pastor Jeff Massey, Scripture, Chaplain James Parker, gave Grace, Lady J. Latricia Gardin read the Honoree’s Bio, Minister Leona Tucker, Introduced the Presenter, Dr. Kenneth Curry, Ph.D., Certifying Agent… The EMBC Ensemble provided Musical Selections and Pastor J. N. Coble, President, UCBMF, Benediction. Finally, let me say that the HEMBC Culinary Arts Department did not disappoint!
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